Sunday, January 13, 2019


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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The Fourth Turning & War of The Worlds

The paragraph above captures everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen during this Fourth Turning. It was written over two decades ago, but no one can deny its accuracy regarding our present situation. The spark was a financial crash. The response to the financial crash by the financial and governmental entities, along with their Deep State co-conspirators who created the financial collapse due to their greed and malfeasance, led to the incomprehensible election of Donald Trump, as the deplorables in flyover country evoked revenge upon the corrupt establishment.
The chain reaction of unyielding responses by the left and the right accelerates at a breakneck pace, with absolutely no possibility of compromise. A new emergency or winner take all battle seems to be occurring on a weekly basis, with the mid-term elections as the likely trigger for the next phase of this Fourth Turning.
There is no positive outcome which will come from these elections. The no holds barred ad campaigns being waged by both sides have sunk to new despicable lows. Winning at all costs is what matters. The Republicans were always going to retain the Senate, but now look like they will gain seats. The overwhelming consensus among the fake news media for months has been for Democrats to retake the House by picking up 20 to 30 seats. The attempted Brett Kavanaugh lynching by left wing extremists and left-wing media, along with the left wing financed third world caravan, has dialed up the intensity and enthusiasm of Trump supporters. The tone of the mainstream media has grown worried and increasingly venomous as they see their lock on the House possibly slipping away.
Either result is likely to deepen the anger, hate, violence and turmoil, which has already been elevated to levels portending civil chaos, if not civil war. If Democrats take control of the House, their agenda will be to impeach Trump, pass legislation designed to make Trump look bad, block everything Trump tries to do, and position themselves to win back the presidency in 2020. The frustration of gridlock will lead to Trump utilizing Executive Orders as his means to accomplish his agenda. Not being able to accomplish his domestic goals will lead a bored Trump into foreign escapades, which could potentially lead to unanticipated military conflict. All previous Fourth Turnings have ended in all out war, with death on a grand scale.
If the Republicans pull a 2016-like upset and retain control of the House, the fury and rage from the left-wing haters will surely violently erupt in their social justice enclaves of loathing. There will be lawsuits and recounts as Soros and his minions fund dissent and violent uprisings. The Democrats will be apoplectic if they do not retake the House. If you think the fake Russia-gate witch hunt, surveillance state attempted coup, screeching pussy hat wearing feminazis perpetrating fake criminal accusations against good men, Soros funded illegal immigrant caravan photo ops, and libelous propaganda media inciting violence, was bad, the coming venom, viciousness, and violent upheaval will make the first two years of Trump’s reign look like a pleasant walk in the park. The linear thinking low IQ press and intellectual yet idiot academics are unable to conceptualize the mood change in this country which will drive events going forward.
The generational alignment of Fourth Turnings is creating the dynamics leading to the increasing intensity, distress and high likelihood of aggression, hostility and war. These crisis periods strike like clockwork on an eighty-year timetable. The 2008 financial crisis struck seventy-nine years after the 1929 stock market crash that catalyzed the Great Depression/World War II Fourth Turning.
In another example of history rhyming, this past week was the anniversary of the nationwide panic initiated by Orson Welles’ radio broadcast of War of the Worlds in 1938 – exactly 80 years ago. A clearly fictional account of evil Martians attacking our country should not have done anything but entertain Americans still suffering through the Great Depression. But, the mood of the country certainly contributed to the terrified overreaction. According to
Perhaps as many as a million radio listeners believed that a real Martian invasion was underway. Panic broke out across the country. In New Jersey, terrified civilians jammed highways seeking to escape the alien marauders. People begged police for gas masks to save them from the toxic gas and asked electric companies to turn off the power so that the Martians wouldn’t see their lights. One woman ran into an Indianapolis church where evening services were being held and yelled, “New York has been destroyed! It’s the end of the world! Go home and prepare to die!”
Orson Welles was not purposely trying to terrify the nation, but events during 1938 and the seemingly never-ending hard times had the nation on edge. Germany had invaded and occupied Austria before creating a crisis with threats about invading Czechoslovakia and starting another world war. Neville Chamberlain became notorious as the most famous appeaser in world history by declaring “Peace in our time” after handing Czechoslovakia to Hitler.
War would break out one year later, ultimately engulfing the entire world and resulting in the deaths of 65 million people. The economy and stock market had re-crashed again in 1937, leading to more pain and suffering across the land. The masses were mentally beaten down, frightened by the possibility of war, and susceptible to fear invoking events or narratives. Welles accidentally touched a raw nerve and instantly created panic.
Here we are eighty years later and the mood of the country is similarly on edge. We are ten years into an “economic recovery” for Wall Street, while Main Street still struggles to make ends meet. Real wages have barely budged in two decades, while energy, healthcare, food, rent, and education costs have soared for the common people. The initial phase of the financial crisis devastated the retirement savings of millions and resulted in millions more getting kicked out of their houses by Wall Street bankers, who committed fraud and were rewarded by a taxpayer funded bailout and free money provided by their puppets at the Federal Reserve.
The billionaire bailouts provoked the populist revolution, resulting in the elevation of Trump to the presidency. Phase two of the financial crisis will erase two-thirds from the stock market and once again wipe out the life savings of millions.
With left and right already at each other’s throats, the devastation of another stock market crash will undermine what little trust remains in the debt ponzi financial system and the Ivy League educated MBA psychopaths in suits running Wall Street banks. The curtain will be pulled back and the feckless academics running the Federal Reserve will be revealed as nothing but doddering fool money printers who devalued our currency into oblivion.
Americans should be fearful about the bursting of the everything bubble, but they continue to be paralyzed by normalcy bias, cognitive dissonance, and propaganda from those in power, foolishly believing all is well. Instead, the mainstream media functions as Orson Welles, convincing large swaths of the public to fear phantom Russians, mad bombers sending fake bombs to leftists from his Trump decorated van, compensated marching Hondurans 1,000 miles from our borders, evil Syrian dictators, non-existent Iranian nuclear bombs, global warming, and worst of all – plastic straws.
The core elements of this crisis, as predicted by Strauss & Howe, continue to propel this Fourth Turning like the molten ingredients of an ongoing volcanic eruption engulfing everything in its path, leading to a global conflagration. The core elements of debt, civic decay, and global disorder continue to juxtapose and interact in unknowable ways, but the stormy passage towards death and destruction is undeniable. Our civic fabric has been torn asunder, while our financial house of cards teeters under the unbearable weight of trillions in unpayable debt, and proxy and trade wars morph into all out military conflict.
My assessment of where we stand regarding the core elements of this crisis is as follows:
  • Total credit market debt in the U.S. when the debt created financial crisis struck in 2008 was $51 trillion. Our “brilliant” leaders have “solved” our debt crisis by adding another $17 trillion of debt, bringing the total to $68 trillion. Total credit market debt as a percentage of GDP at 344% is exactly where it was in 2007 before the crisis. What is even more staggeringly stupid is tens of trillions (student loans, subprime auto, corporate junk bonds, government bonds) cannot and will not be repaid.
  • The national debt in 2007 stood at $9 trillion (up from $5.7 trillion in 2000) and presently sits at $21.7 trillion, while accelerating at a $1.3 trillion annual rate. It will close in on the $23 trillion level by the end of this fiscal year. As a percentage of GDP it has risen from 62% in 2007 to 108% in 2019. Rogoff and Reinhart proved that once countries surpass 90%, eventual collapse is certainty. Taleb has declared our financial system to be far more fragile today than in 2007.
  • Interest on the national debt reached a record level of $523 billion in fiscal 2018, up $64 billion over fiscal 2017. It is poised to blow that number away in fiscal 2019, tracking to reach $600 billion, as interest rates continue to rise. With the current out of control government spending, interest on the debt will account for 13% of the budget and will account for an increasing slice of the pie going forward.
  • With over $200 trillion of unfunded liabilities staring the country in the face in the foreseeable future, Social Security ($1 trillion), Medicare ($600 billion), and Medicaid ($400 billion) outflows growing rapidly, interest on the debt ($600 billion) growing at 17% per year and corrupt politicians funding thousands of worthless pork projects, ramping up military spending while slashing corporate taxes is a recipe for disaster. Who will buy this debt without requiring better than a 0% real return?
  • Consumer debt outstanding now stands at a record high of $3.94 trillion, up from $2.65 trillion in 2008 when the Wall Street created debt crisis hit. Real wages (even using the fake BLS inflation data) for real people haven’t budged one iota since 2008, but the amount of debt carried by average people is up 49%. The average auto loan exceeds $30,000 (all-time high) and the length exceeds 70 months (all-time high). Millions of Americans are surviving month to month on their credit cards. With rates rising and Americans up to their eyeballs in debt (again), the auto and housing markets have stalled and will fall. The amount of debt to be written off this time will be staggering. Are you ready to bail out Wall Street again?
  • The U.S. debt situation is bad enough, but the entire world followed our lead in a coordinated attempt to prop up a failed global financial system with more debt. Global debt has soared from under $140 trillion in 2007 to over $240 trillion today, up 70% since before the debt crisis. Governments, corporations and individuals have done the exact opposite of what needed to be done to put the world back on a sustainable financial path. Instead of beginning the process of living within our means, liquidating the criminal banks, jailing those responsible, and addressing our out of control spending, we allowed our Deep State rulers to double down on the debt and accelerate the speed towards the fiscal cliff. This was all done to benefit the few at the expense of the many, as the Deep State looting and pillaging campaign continues unabated. Next stop……
Civic Decay
  • The social distress we are experiencing in the country is nothing new, despite the outrage proclaimed by linear thinking mainstream media talking heads who have zero understanding of history or the cyclical nature of mankind across the centuries. The incivility among corrupt congress politicians is child’s play when compared to Alexander Hamilton being shot dead by Aaron Burr or Andrew Jackson’s feud with John Quincy Adams. Democrat congressman Preston Brooks almost beat Republican senator Charles Sumner to death with a walking cane in the Senate chambers in 1856. The vitriol being spewed by Democrats and Trump is nothing new in politics, but during Fourth Turnings compromise is not possible. There will be clear winners and losers when all is said and done.
  • Violence, aided and abetted by the corporate propaganda media, is being fueled by race, religion, nativism, gender and class. Open warfare is being waged on many fronts. White males have been used as the whipping boy of the left, and the backlash is happening, with the election of Trump as a result. The Democrats have enslaved inner city blacks in their ghetto plantations with their failed welfare policies and victim card tactics. The potential loss of this voting block has Democrats seething with fear and lashing out wildly in all directions.
  • The Left and Right had operated with a wink and a nod regarding illegal immigrants pouring into our country for decades as the Democrats expected more votes and the Republicans saw cheap labor for their corporate constituents. Trump upset the apple cart and revealed the hypocrisy of politicians on both sides of the aisle. The 20 million or so illegals in the country are a net drain on our social welfare system, but business owners and the rich benefit from cheap labor and suppressed wages for the plebs. The highly publicized caravan appears to be designed to rile up the masses for voting purposes and to distract the average American from their deteriorating economic plight.
  • The most significant cause of civic decay has clearly been the decades of degraded public-school socialization disguised as education. They have created generations of non-critical thinking droids who have been taught that feeling is the same as thinking. The entire social justice warrior/safe space crowd owes its existence to this indoctrination by politically correct government drones in schools across America. It’s a disease without any cure. Average Americans can’t add, subtract, spell, speak, or think for themselves. It’s almost as if the ruling class designed our educational system to create millions of people who would not question what they are told and could be manipulated easily through Bernaysian propaganda techniques.
  • Those running the show proclaim technology to be the savior of mankind. Instead it has contributed to the dumbing down of America. Millions are addicted to their iGadgets. They walk into traffic while tweeting, texting, or facebooking. With history and literature at their fingertips, Americans choose to watch cat videos and follow the adventures of the Kardashians. Social media has created a nation of brain-dead zombies wandering the streets, adding no value and living vacuous, shallow, worthless lives. Technology has been a boon for the Deep State and their accomplices Google, Facebook, Twitter and the MSM in controlling and manipulating the pliable weak minds of the masses. Is it a wonder there are so many hopeless mentally damaged individuals committing mass murder on a consistent basis.
Global Disorder
  • In addition to the massive accumulation of unpayable government debt by the EU, China, Japan and emerging market countries; proxy wars rage in Syria, Yemen, and Afghanistan; Muslim hordes are overrunning Europe; NATO pushes Russia towards conflict; and Trump wages trade wars with the whole world. The animosity between countries builds, the fragility of the global order increases and the risk of a politician doing something spectacularly stupid is higher than it has been in decades.
  • The billionaire elitists who were implementing their one world order unimpeded through globalization and open border policies, have been thrown for a loop by the ascension of Trump and other populist leaders across the globe. Trump declaring himself a nationalist is met with howls of racism, ridicule and scorn by the globalists who have been in control for decades. The rise of Orban in Hungary, Salvini in Italy, and Bolsonaro in Brazil mark a drastic shift in mood across the globe towards nationalism and away from unfettered immigrant flows into their countries. Macron, Merkel and May are on their way out, as populism rages across Europe.
  • It is a fact China and Asia have been utilized by globalist corporate entities to maximize their profits through wage arbitrage. It is a fact China and many other countries erect trade barriers to protect their markets will pretending to embrace free trade. Trump’s aggressive stance on trade pacts is warranted for the most part. But world trade is a complex mechanism dependent upon thousands of variables and companies making decisions based upon known factors. With a trade war in progress and no certainty of what will happen, companies delay making investments and signing deals. The result will be decreased trade and increased possibility of global recession.
  • With Trump supplying an increasingly hostile and volatile world with arms as his primary economic jobs program, is it any wonder the Middle East is a tinderbox of religious hatred, slaughter, and chaos. The U.S. militarily supports a country that bombs innocent civilians in Yemen, treats women like cattle, murders journalists, funds jihadists, and has lots and lots of oil. We prop up a dictators in Egypt and Turkey, but have done everything in our power to overthrow the dictator in Syria. We economically support Israel as they work against our interests around the globe. A showdown with Iran, in the works for over a decade, inches ever closer as we intimidate other countries into shunning Iran economically.
  • There are no good guys when it comes to world leaders. They all lie, cheat and steal. They all have huge egos and believe they are the smartest person in the room. They are arrogant and their hubris is ultimately their downfall. Putin and Xi can play the long game. They don’t have an opposition party contesting everything they do or say. They are leaders for life, or until they are overthrown. They are as nationalist as Trump. They have nuclear arms. They have large militaries. They have major economic problems. These leaders will do whatever they feel is in the best interest of their countries. Threats and bluster from a reality TV NYC real estate mogul does not make them quiver with fear. When economic pain sweeps across the world during the coming financial collapse, trade wars will morph into real wars.
Anyone who doesn’t perceive the darkening clouds portending the most dangerous portion of this Fourth Turning crisis is either willfully ignorant, an Ivy League educated “Intellectual Yet Idiot”, an MSM talking head, or a Deep State apparatchik. Ten years into the last Fourth Turning was 1939, the outset of the bloodiest global conflict in world history. Any doubt there really is a Deep State, controlling our lives, surveilling our electronic interactions, manipulating our minds through propaganda techniques, and keeping us distracted with technology, sports, and social media, has been obliterated by Trump drawing these evil characters out of the shadows and into the spotlight as they have attempted a blatant coup against a sitting president.
The current paradigm had been very profitable for the ruling elite, as their propaganda laden production convinced the masses they were making economic progress as they feel deeper in debt and were free as the surveillance state grew ever larger. The curtain will soon be pulled back to reveal it all as an illusion.
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” – Frank Zappa
No one can predict the exact events which will propel the remainder of this Fourth Turning. But one thing is sure, things will not return to normal until we withstand and conquer the grim challenges ahead. Those who think the stock market can continue to ascend after being elevated by the Fed for nine years are delusional. Those who don’t think debt matters are ignorant of history and how societal mood changes drive greed and panic. Those who discount the possibility of global war because we are too civilized evidently do not understand human nature and our warring nature.
This Fourth Turning will intensify no matter the outcome of the mid-term elections. It will not end until the existing social order is swept away and there are clear winners and losers. I don’t pretend to know what will happen, but I won’t be surprised when things take a turn for the worse. You can’t sit this out. You should prepare as your resources and life situation allow. Courage, strength, wisdom and adaptability will be required to survive the coming challenges. Approaching the coming storms with eyes wide open, large doses of common sense, teamwork and self sufficiency offer you the best possibility of coming out the other side.
Strauss and Howe did not make predictions, but they put forth an educated guess of potential outcomes. Millions of factors and humans will interact in an unknowing way to produce the ultimate outcome. We all may have to make individual decisions which will impact the outcome. Shirking our responsibilities out of fear is not an option when the potential outcomes could end civilization as we know it. We should all do everything in our power to produce outcome #4.
  1. This Fourth Turning could mark the end of man. It could be an omnicidal Armageddon, destroying everything, leaving nothing. If mankind ever extinguishes itself, this will probably happen when its dominant civilization triggers a Fourth Turning that ends horribly. For this Fourth Turning to put an end to all this would require an extremely unlikely blend of social disaster, human malevolence, technological perfection and bad luck.
  2. The Fourth Turning could mark the end of modernity. The Western saecular rythm – which began in the mid-fifteenth century with the Renaissance – could come to an abrupt terminus. The seventh modern saeculum would be the last. This too could come from total war, terrible but not final. There could be a complete collapse of science, culture, politics, and society. Such a dire result would probably happen only when a dominant nation (like today’s America) lets a Fourth Turning ekpyrosis engulf the planet. But this outcome is well within the reach of foreseeable technology and malevolence.
  3. The Fourth Turning could spare modernity but mark the end of our nation. It could close the book on the political constitution, popular culture, and moral standing that the word America has come to signify. The nation has endured for three saecula; Rome lasted twelve, the Soviet Union only one. Fourth Turnings are critical thresholds for national survival. Each of the last three American Crises produced moments of extreme danger: In the Revolution, the very birth of the republic hung by a thread in more than one battle. In the Civil War, the union barely survived a four-year slaughter that in its own time was regarded as the most lethal war in history. In World War II, the nation destroyed an enemy of democracy that for a time was winning; had the enemy won, America might have itself been destroyed. In all likelihood, the next Crisis will present the nation with a threat and a consequence on a similar scale.
  4. Or the Fourth Turning could simply mark the end of the Millennial Saeculum. Mankind, modernity, and America would all persevere. Afterward, there would be a new mood, a new High, and a new saeculum. America would be reborn. But, reborn, it would not be the same.
Breathe deep the gathering gloom
Watch lights fade from every room
Cold-hearted orb that rules the night
Removes the colours from our sight
Red is grey is yellow white
But we decide which is right
And which is an illusion
Breath Deep the Gathering Gloom – Moody Blues

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Normalcy Bias and the Fourth Turning

Hat tip The Feral Irishman
There is an article on Zerohedge discussing the Fourth Turning which places America in the same 80-100 year cycle, or what is called a “saecula”  as it was during the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, the Great Depression and World War II. This is something I had been thinking about for some time, not the saecula, I’m not that smart.
I was thinking about how we are in a time that seems natural. Okay, getting here required a lot of manipulation over generations of the average working folks first indoctrinated into the concept of communism through labor unions. Labor unions are about the only functional thing a communist can produce and its success is often used to transition the working person into the communist ideology, i.e., the collectivist urge, but it never acknowledges the ultimately corrosive nature of the relationship between employer and employee. Eventually, the rising costs of avoiding strikes prices the goods beyond the point where the employee can afford to purchase it, except out of loyalty and all consumers do not share that loyalty, so they find cheaper alternatives, killing the host.
While the adults were being indoctrinated into the collectivist fold as a means to better their lives, the children were indoctrinated into the concept of the “goodness” of the state, because they were being taught in state-run schools by teachers who benefited from the collectivist notion of labor unions. The media swung hard left to back up and substantiate this indoctrination.
Where the sense that this is all natural, despite the manipulations employed, is that everything in nature is in the process of growth or decay. In 1776 the British Empire was reaching its apex of growth and was beginning the process of decay. In 1860 the United States had grown from a fledgling republic to a world power, but the Constitution adopted in 1787 was at that 80 year mark and had taken as many assaults as it could stand and something had to break.
Everything has its own set of hypocrisies. Free speech is great, but through free speech comes the weapons with which to abolish free speech, so it cannot be completely free, but when it is restrained enough to guarantee it, it is essentially lost. The Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms works until the proliferation of arms puts too many in the hands of those who would use them to overthrow the system that guarantees it, but the minute that right is diminished in any way, it establishes the means to regulate it out of existence. Assisted fully by a communist dominated media.
Eventually, these hypocrisies on enough levels and concerning enough areas of life leads naturally from freedom to bondage. Everything that makes us free costs us freedom, there is no way around it because human nature is a process of progression, it is never static. The minute one group can get another group to accept any concession whatsoever, it becomes the starting point for decline of one group and the starting point of ascension for the other. When the group that is ascending reaches its apex, it will come under attack and eventually fall by the same dynamics that it rose.
This is America in 2018. The communists in America have been growing stronger and stronger, using the institutions of the republic against itself, demanding more and more concessions. The communists feel they are at their best and can topple the republic. The manifestations of this truth are groups like BLM that call for the assassination of police officers with the support of some in government; Antifa that aggressively assault Trump supporters does so with support from some of those in government; caravans of illegal immigrants seeking to break down the border between Mexico and the United States with the support of some of those in government signal that the destruction of America is being abetted by those in government.
That belief comes from the concessions already made by normal Americans, who do not generally see aggressive actions being taken against them individually. They don’t recognize an assault on their institutions for what it is, a crumbling of the republic on a piece by piece basis. They accept some reductions of free speech as a means to keep the peace in their relations with other Americans who might come from different cultures or backgrounds. They accept some reductions in the right to keep and bear arms as a means to keep peace with authorities. They accept some reductions in their right to privacy as a means enhance their security.
But, when none of these concessions keep the peace with others, with authorities or make them safer, they begin to question the wisdom of those concessions. This is evident in 2018 on a number of levels. The effort to avoid labels of racist, bigot, homophobe, Islamophobe have not worked. They are still labeled as such no matter how compliant they are to the new dictates of the communists behind them and a growing rebellion is the result.
While there is no way to unravel the complex and interconnected web of deceit and insurgency behind the communist putsch through peaceful means, there is a chance to swing the balance of power more into line with the republic and away from the communists. That chance is offered up in the 2018 election. The communists have put their best foot forward, but a way to kick that foot out from under them would be a resounding defeat in the 2018 election; not as a solution, but as a statement and encouragement to others to resist the communist narratives
The election will solve nothing other than to deal a defeat to the communists who have been on a winning streak for a very long time. It would be one small defeat, but at this point they have suffered none. The Bret Kavanaugh confirmation was but the result of a skirmish. It was like a scaled down version of Fort Sumpter. It hardened hearts and clearly marked the divisions, the tactics and the winning response to those tactics.
The communists will use false flags, they will use deception and they will use the power of government to punish their enemies and reward friends. But, the election of 2018 could (I don’t say would, because that is unclear) enable Trump to go after the deep state in a way that exposes some of the communists as actual traitors and subject them to punishment as such. That is an optic that could result in others choosing to defect rather than suffer the same punishment.
Even unraveling some of the diabolical actions of deep state actors will not solve the institutional problems America has with countering communism. That is a long and difficult road that cannot rule out that violence might be inflicted upon the republic on the idea that some have been brought to justice. In fact, that might drive violence for which the republic must be prepared to counter. Communism has to be engaged aggressively and in every arena encountered up to and including victory in a civil war.
Therefore it is vital that Americans recognize that the attacks upon their institutions are not individual issues, but are coordinated to appear that way while the overall strategy of complete destruction is implemented.

Friday, September 28, 2018

CIA Mind Control at work - Questions we should be asking in MSM and in Senate

Global Intel Hub (Zero Hedge Exclusive 9/24/2018) -- Atlanta, GA -- The hearing about potential Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh is still going on, but the hearings have clearly missed 90% of key material facts that as always - as we have explained in our books Splitting Pennies and Splitting Bits, the world is not as it seems; and certainly, not ever - as seen on TV.  The peculiar thing about this particular political circus is that the GOP is allowing this to happen, as if there's nothing they can do to allow the left to manipulate the masses before the elections coming up, all we need after a victimized woman by an old, respectable white man is another school shooting, this time with a white rich kid holding the gun at a minority school.  Having said that, if you do have children at public schools, it might be worth considering home schooling or private school at least until the swamp is drained, if it ever will be (or consider a remote rural public school where staging such events is less likely).  As these deep-state nut jobs will stop at nothing to acheive their ends, which seem simple but evil: vindicate the Soros - Clinton Mafia (which is a multi-family 'faction 2' power center that goes well beyond Bill & Hillary) and in the process destroy Trump and everything connected to it.
Why wasn't this 'accuser' vetted, as one would be in a court case?  This is after all the 'judiciary committee' we know the answer to that, this is political theater of the worst kind.  However if this were a court case, and the complaining witness were to undergo cross-examination and deposition, they should ask the following questions:
  • What is Dr. Ford's relationship with the CIA, and with her father?
    • The importance of noting the CIA banking connections of Ralph G. Blasey Jr., this report explains, is due to the outbreak of what is now known as the “CIA Bank War”—and whose start of, in 1982, a CIA seized from publication news report (Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/05: CIA-RDP90-00965R00150010-7) describes as: “This is Wall Street, the center of the international banking system, a system on the edge of a crisis so severe that the Central Intelligence Agency is preparing drastic measures.  Something must be done to avert the breakdown of the Free World’s monetary system.
  • Who paid for her lawyer, lie detector test, and other items related to her testimony?  
  • Was she offered a book deal?
  • What is Dr. Ford's association with the Soros foundation, directly or indirectly?
  • What is her role in Stanford's CIA Internship program?
  • What is the association with Frederick_T._Melges and specifically, did they collaborate on work involving mind control, memory, and time while at Stanford, or a CIA think tank, or any other time?
  • What is the explanation that no other witness can testify to verify the statements of what happened that night, combined with the lack of other physical evidence, and even evidence to the contrary? (Such as Brett Kavanaugh's diary/journal he kept)
  • What are the political associations of Dr. Ford, specifically are there direct connections to the Democratic party and Hillary Clinton, including but not limited to when Clinton was the Secretary of State ? (For those of you who don't know, the State Department is the political cover for CIA operations globally.)
This staged, orchestrated, and artificial testimony is no doubt the creation of deep-state actors connected to Soros/Clinton/CIA et. al.  The GOP doesn't want to mention MKUltra in a public hearing as this would take things in an entirely different direction.  If this was a court, it is highly doubtful that a jury would convict Kavanaugh based on he said she said with no evidence for the complaining witness but an overwhelming amount of evidence for the defense.  Not only the hundreds of character letters of support, the diaries/journals, and all the work Dr. Ford has done over the years on mind control as a qualified and practicing Dr. of Psychiatry; but the fact that Kavanaugh has actually worked for the Federal Governement and the White House specifically on a number of occasions and has gone through a Congressional confirmation many times - why now?  Something is fishy here, just as it was proven that several of the 'victims' of Trump were actually paid actors, the mere accusation is enough to cast doubt on the whole topic.  And this accusation isn't from a poor helpless child, it is from a Dr. of Psychiatry that has authored more than 50 papers on the topics of behavioral science, including topics of great interest to the CIA such as:
Ford has written about the cognitive affect of the September 11 terrorist attacks, too. She and her co-authors wrote, “[Our] findings suggest that there may be a range of traumatic experience most conducive to growth and they also highlight the important contributions of cognitive and coping variables to psychological thriving in short- and longer-term periods following traumatic experience.”
Finally, why is the GOP so defenseless as to allow such a show to occur, which will do much greater damage to the mind of the Sheeple than it will to actually affect the appointing of Judge Kavanaugh or not.  Whether he is appointed or not, the damage to the minds of the masses is done - this further polarizes an already polarized country divided between the 'sane' and the 'insane.'
We have already wrote about this topic here, and look for further developments as the night moves on.
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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Europe Unveils "Special Purpose Vehicle" To Bypass SWIFT, Jeopardizing Dollar's Reserve Status

In a stunning vote of "no confidence" in the US monopoly over global payment infrastructure, one month ago Germany’s foreign minister Heiko Maas called for the creation of a new payments system independent of the US that would allow Brussels to be independent in its financial operations from Washington and as a means of rescuing the nuclear deal between Iran and the west.
Writing in the German daily Handelsblatt, Maas said "Europe should not allow the US to act over our heads and at our expense. For that reason it’s essential that we strengthen European autonomy by establishing payment channels that are independent of the US, creating a European Monetary Fund and building up an independent Swift system," he wrote.
Maas said it was vital for Europe to stick with the Iran deal. "Every day the agreement continues to exist is better than the highly explosive crisis that otherwise threatens the Middle East," he said, with the unspoken message was even clearer: Europe no longer wants to be a vassal state to US monopoly over global payments, and will now aggressively pursue its own "SWIFT" network that is not subservient to Washington's every whim.

Many discounted the proposal as being far too aggressive: after all, a direct assault on SWIFT, and Washington, would be seen by the rest of the world as clear mutiny against a US-dominated global regime, and could potentially spark a crisis of confidence in the reserve status of the dollar, resulting in unpredictable, and dire, consequences.

However, despite the diplomatic consequences, Europe was intent on creating some loophole to the US ability to weaponize the global currency of account at will, something observed most recently as part of Trump's latest sanctions on Iran, and as a result, late on Monday, the European Union said that it would establish a special payment channel to allow European and other companies to legally continue financial transactions with Iran while avoiding exposure to U.S. sanctions.

The move, as the WSJ notes, "is a direct rebuke of President Trump’s policy on Iran and his decision to withdraw from the nuclear deal in May," and sets the stage for a confrontation between the U.S. and Europe over the treatment of Iran, the payment for Iran oil, and potentially, jeopardizing the reserve currency status of the dollar itself.

While keeping SWIFT as is, for now, the EU's foreign-policy head Federica Mogherini side by side with Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif announced a "special purpose vehicle" jointly, in English and Farsi, after a meeting at the U.N. of the parties still committed to the deal—Iran, EU, U.K., France, Germany, Russia and China. In fact, everyone but the US.
EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini (r), speaking alongside Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif
According to Mogherini, the plan to create the SPV "will mean that EU member states will set up a legal entity to facilitate legitimate financial transactions with Iran, and this will allow European companies to continue trade with Iran" despite Trump's opposition.

As Bloomberg's Leonid Bershidsky explains, with Iran sanctions back, it is clear to the Europeans (as well as the Chinese and Russians) that any future transactions with Iran must go through entities insulated from the American financial system.
In a July 2018 report, Axel Hellman of the European Leadership Network think tank and Esfandyar Batmanghelidj of the Iranian company Bourse & Bazaar proposed “a new banking architecture” in response to the U.S. sanctions, relying on the existing system of “gateway banks,” such as the Hamburg-based Europaeisch-Iranische Handelsbank, and the European branches of private Iranian bank. “A further third category of gateway banks can be envisioned,” they wrote, “which would comprise of special purpose vehicles established by European governments, or as part of public-private partnerships in order to facilitate Iran trade and investment.”
The new plan focuses on this third option.
Mogherini further indicated that Germany, France and the U.K. would set up a multinational state-backed financial intermediary that would deal with companies interested in Iran transactions and with Iranian counter-parties. Such transactions, presumably in euros and pounds sterling, would not be transparent to American authorities. European companies dealing with the state-owned intermediary technically might not even be in violation of the U.S. sanctions as currently written.

And, in a potentially massive development, the system would be likely be open to Russia and China as well as it would enable the world's economies to trade with each other, fully independent of SWIFT.
Europe would thus provide an infrastructure for legal, secure sanctions-busting — and a guarantee that the transactions would not be reported to American regulators.

That said, Washington would not be without recourse, although at that point, all the U.S. could do is sanction the participating countries’ central banks or SWIFT for facilitating the transactions (if the special purpose vehicle uses SWIFT, rather than ad hoc messaging).
That, Hellman and Batmanghelidj wrote, would be self-defeating: “There are two possible outcomes if these institutions proceed to work with Iran despite U.S. secondary sanctions. Either U.S. authorities fail to take enforcement action given the massive consequences for the operations and integrity of the American financial system, serving to “defang” the enforcement threats and reduce the risk of European self-sanctioning on the basis of fear, or U.S. authorities take such an enforcement action, a step that would only serve to accelerate European efforts to create a defensible banking architecture that goes beyond the Iran issue alone.”
Europe, naturally, needs a "neutral" pretext to implement this SPV, and that would be Brussels' desire to continue transacting with Iran:
“We are not backing down [on the Iran nuclear agreement],” said a European diplomat. He said the speeches of European leaders at a Security Council meeting Mr. Trump is hosting on Wednesday on nonproliferation, including Iran, will reflect the Monday night statement.
Additionally, as basis for the potentially revolutionary development, the participants of the 2015 nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action or JCPOA, "underlined their determination to protect the freedom of their economic operators to pursue legitimate business with Iran."

While the details of the SPV mechanism — which would be set up in future meetings with technical experts — were still to be determined, with the United States and the dollar dominating so much of global trade the statement said the new mechanism would "facilitate payments related to Iran's exports (including oil) and imports, which will assist and reassure economic operators pursuing legitimate business with Iran."
"In practical terms, this will mean that EU member states will set up a legal entity to facilitate legitimate financial transactions with Iran and this will allow European companies to continue to trade with Iran in accordance with European Union law and could be open to other partners in the world," she told reporters.
As a result of Trump's aggressive new sanctions on Iran, and potentially more sanctions after November as Trump hinted during his UN speech, European companies have been flocking out of Iran’s market and ending contracts to avoid risking U.S. sanctions.  Meanwhile, Iran - which has argued that the 2015 deal entitled the Islamic Republic to benefit from lifting of sanctions and to enter the world market - has seen its economy stumble, with the currency collapsing almost daily against the U.S. dollar since the U.S. exited the deal.

Telegraphing that Europe will continue cooperation with Iran despite US sanctions, Mogherini said Iran has remained fully committed to its obligations under the nuclear deal, as certified by a dozen reports from U.N.’s nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency. She also hailed the 2015 agreement as a major achievement for diplomacy and nonproliferation and “deeply regrets” what she called the unilateral withdrawal of the U.S. from the deal.

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In any case, creating "a defensible banking architecture" may well be the end goal for the Europeans, China and Russia, anyway because, as noted above, Iran is merely a convenient pretext: after all, the nuclear agreement is one of the few things that unite the EU, China and Russia against the U.S.
But, as Bershidsky notes, "working to undermine the dollar’s global dominance isn’t ultimately about Iran at all. In his recent State of the European Union speech, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker called for strengthening the euro’s international role and moving away from traditional dollar invoicing in foreign trade."
China and Russia have long sought the same thing, but it’s only with Europe, home of the world’s second biggest reserve currency, that they stand a chance of challenging American dominance.
While it remains to be seen if the “special purpose vehicle” would entice European companies such as France's Total or Germany's Daimler to get back into business with Iran remains to be seen, the optics of the move by the European Union together with China and Russia to defy the U.S. signaled continued criticism of the Trump administration for its decisions on Iran.

More importantly, it strikes at the heart of the current economic and financial system which is held together by the dollar. By providing an alternative, the global #resistance sets the stage for what potentially could be the ascendancy of other global reserve currencies, and/or a world of bilateral trade agreements which bypass both the US Dollar and Swift entirely, eliminating Washington's "veto powers" on global trade.

Given U.S. law enforcement’s wide reach, there would still be a risk involved, and European governments may not be able to protect the companies from it. Some firms will be tempted to try the new infrastructure, however, and the public isn't likely to find out if they do.  In any case, in response to Trump's aggressive foreign policies and "weaponization" of the dollar, it is worthwhile for Europe, Russia and China to experiment with dollar-free business.
But this brings up the bigger point: no currency’s international dominance has lasted forever, and there’s no reason for the U.S. dollar to be the exception to this rule. 

Meanwhile, as Bershidsky concludes, "Trump’s confidence in his ability to weaponize the dollar against adversaries and stubborn allies alike could eventually backfire for the U.S. as efforts to push the dollar off its pedestal grow ever more serious."

Monday, September 24, 2018

The Four Disastrous Presidential Policies That Are Destroying The Nation

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,
The nation is failing as a direct consequence of these four catastrophic policies.
It's admittedly a tough task to select the four most disastrous presidential policies of the past 60 years, given the great multitude to choose from. Here are my top choices and the reasons why I selected these from a wealth of policy disasters.

1. President Johnson's expansion of the Vietnam War, which set the stage for President Nixon's continuation of that disastrous war for an additional five years.

For those who missed the 30-minute lecture on the Vietnam War in history class, Johnson took a low-intensity guerrilla war in South Vietnam in which the U.S. was supporting a corrupt and venal South Vietnamese elite and expanded it into a full-blown war with over 500,000 troops on the ground and numerous other forces engaged in a vast regional conflict.

Johnson's basic motivation was domestic politics: being a domestic political animal, Johnson was obsessed by the possibility that the Republicans could accuse the Democrats of being "soft on Communism" and win congressional seats in the next election if he declared victory and withdrew from Vietnam.

To insure this wouldn't happen, Johnson relentlessly pursued a war in ways that guaranteed it couldn't be won while killing and maiming millions of people, mostly civilians, and squandering the lives of U.S. servicemen and women.
Johnson did not follow the Constitutional requirement of declaring war with congressional approval. He opted to undermine the Constitution with an open-ended declaration of Imperial Presidential Powers (The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution) to wage unlimited war based on a "fake news" fictitious attack on U.S. ships in the Gulf of Tonkin.

But the war itself was only one disaster of many. To mask the complete and utter failure of his "limited" war, Johnson launched a massive, concerted "fake news" propaganda effort in support of the "we're winning the war" narrative.

When Daniel Ellsberg released the Pentagon Papers, the true story was revealed: thousands of Deep State insiders knew the war was unwinnable and was being lost, at great cost. But few dared challenge the disastrous policy or the lies and propaganda being distributed by the federal government in support of the war.
Meanwhile, the "law enforcement" efforts of the FBI were focused on draft evaders and other dissenters. Organized crime got a free pass as the FBI was politicized to fight domestic dissent--an institutionalized politicization that continues to this day.

Both the FBI and CIA engaged in concerted, covert and completely illegal campaigns to infiltrate, disrupt and destroy dissenters in the anti-war and civil rights movements. This was well-documented by the congressional Church investigations in the early 1970s.

War at Home: Covert action against U.S. activists and what we can do about it (book)

Simply put, Johnson's policy of pursuing an illegal full-scale war laid waste to the Constitution and launched an era of official "fake news" propaganda and the politicization of federal law enforcement. These disasters live on to this day, as official "fake news" propaganda and the politicization of federal law enforcement is the New Normal.
No wonder the Vietnam War remains a poorly understood taboo topic; understanding the destructive consequences of the war's embedded policies is extremely dangerous to the status quo.

2. President Clinton's deregulation of banking/finance in the early 1990s. Eliminating the common-sense and easily enforceable Glass-Steagall Act separating investment and commercial banking (and other limitations as well) opened the floodgates of financialization, i.e. institutionalized fraud and embezzlement which reached full flower in the 2008 Global Financial Meltdown triggered by U.S. banks and other financial institutions.

3. President G.W. Bush's Invasion of Iraq and the launch of Endless War (tm).President Bush followed Johnson's playbook to a Tee: a "fake news" fictitious excuse for launching a full-blown war (weapons of mass destruction lurking in hidden bunkers, etc.), a wildly unrealistic understanding of the culture and politics on the ground (civilians would greet our conquering troops with flowers and smiles, etc.) and a propaganda machine spewing official fake news about our wonderful spreading of democracy via war.

The complete and utter failure of the invasion policy ushered in the current era of Endless War(tm). $3 trillion squandered and countless lives lost, and all for what geopolitical gains?

4. Presidents G.W. Bush and Obama's rescue of predatory parasitic banks in 2008-09. The nation had a once-in-a-century opportunity to eradicate the predatory parasite (the financial sector) that's killing the economy and democracy of the host (the USA) and replace the "too big to fail" aristocracy with 1,000 local and regional financial institutions with severely limited powers to institutionalize fraud and embezzlement and leverage fictitious collateral into unprecedented wealth and political power.

Instead, both Bush and Obama obediently knelt down and served up $16 trillion in taxpayer-funded bailouts, backstops and loan guarantees to rescue the "too big to fail" aristocracy from their well-earned collapse.

The crippling inequality and dysfunction plaguing our economy can be traced back to this abject and needless surrender of sovereignty to the financial sector.

The nation is failing as a direct consequence of these four catastrophic policies, policies that undermined our economy and system of governance, that introduced the poisons of official fake news and propaganda, that institutionalized the suppression of dissent and institutionalized the fraud and embezzlement of "too big to fail" financialization.

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